Welcome!  Our service combines not only traditional GPS monitoring of transport,
employees, relatives, pets but wonderful world of trips and travels
that you can share in the real time.

What is rating
Rating is an index showing a user`s importance, popularity of downloaded trips and other data. The higher the rating is, the more benefits you can get by learning places visited and market by this traveler.
How is the rating calculated?
At the core of the rating are data downloaded over the recent 100 days to the service areas "Trips ONLINE" and "Track storage". Rating is calculated once per day and take into account many parameters such as number of geo data (trips, tracks etc.), quality — length, duration, commenting intensity. Another important factor is a number of friends and profile content.

You should also note that the rating is only based on public data. For example, if only your friends can see your trip, then it will not be taken into account. The data from area "GPS/GLONASS monitoring" are not taken into account in the rating.

If a new data is not downloaded, then the rating is gradually decreasing over time.
How to rise a rating value?
Visit interesting places, record your trips via Live GPS Tracker and share it with other users (number of views is also taken into account).
Which gives the high rating?
Besides enhancing confidence in your account by other users, the high rating allows to participate in various special offers with valuable prizes and gifts that we periodically announce in our service.

We accept:
Принимаем карты VISA Принимаем карты MasterCard Принимаем PayPal Paddle YooMoney

TraceOnline24 OU
Reg. nr.: 16476450
10316, Eesti, Tallinn
Kolde pst, 98

TraceOnline24 Kft.
Reg. nr.: 01-09-421368
1054, Hungary, Budapest
Honved utca 8. 1. em. 2. ajto

+372 6991534

Rules and terms:
Terms of Use
Terms of payment and refund
Plans & Pricing

Privacy Policy:
Site, Cookies and Apps

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Email support@livegpstracks.com
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Live GPS Tracking