Для данного трекера есть расширенный набор команд (зависит от прошивки)
help: replies with the following commands:
dw: Locate
qqq: Device binding
1111: Sound Alarm Monitor on
0000: Sound Alarm Monitor off
ddd: Reset all tasks
aqb: Get Username Password
eee: Recording saved
dde: Cleanup TF card
hhh: Device status
loc: same as dw
imsi: Query IMEI and IMSI
faa: “DTMG: Set voice monitoring, SMS reply and sound sensitivity successfully:40”, “DTMG: Unusual sound detected”
fff: “DT: Set voice monitoring, voice callback and sound sensitivity successfully:40”
1111: “DT: Set voice monitoring, voice callback and sound sensitivity successfully:400”
0000: “DT: Voice monitoring cancelled successfully.”
gbrpt: “Report:Location the continuous escalation has been closed.”
track: “Track:Caller answer mode the device is set to reply location.”
hbton: “Hbt:Device is turned on real-time online”
hbtoff: “Hbt: Device online has been closed”
esionow: “…” ?
esioaddr: “Setting esio addr and port fail!”
esiolocatetype: “Esio:Reporting location type has been updated to 0.”
server: “Setting server addr and port fail!”
reg: “…” ?
monitor: “Monitor:Caller answer mode the device is set to automatically answer.”
eee: “Tf-Card check fails of is insufficient free space!”
sndstop: “Cam:No task is running, cancel failed!”
*e81*: “…” ?
*e80*: “…” ?
soson, sosoff, sos, qcsos: ?
ledon, ledoff: ?
flighton, flightoff: ?
aqe: “Setting apn fail!”
imeiset: “…” does not seem to set the IMEI
restore: “Restore ok!”
formattf: ?
time: “…” ?
timezone: “Setting time zone ok. Current time zone 0”
age: “…” ?
*3646655*: queries for version information
*reboot*: reboots the device
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